I want add the same attribute to all matched items of an xpath query inside a inherited qweb report template.
My code only change the colour of "1. aaa" to red. (the first matched item)
I can use "/*[@class='test_class'][2]" for the second item, but this is not a solution there are to many items with "test_class" inside the inherited report.
<template id="test_report_document_raw">
<h2 class="test_class">1. aaa</h2>
<h2 class="test_class">2. bbb</h2>
<h2 class="test_class">3. ccc</h2>
<template id="test_report_document" inherit_id="test.test_report_document_raw" primary="True">
<xpath expr="//*[@class='test_class']" position="attributes">
<attribute name="style">color: red;</attribute>
odoo will take the first one only !