Hello everyone,
I'm trying to customize the invoice report in Odoo 11.
Problem is, xpath tag "replace" isn't working properly - or, at least, as it used to do in previous versions. Odoo 11 documentation says, and I quote:
[replace:] the content of the inheritance spec replaces the matched node. Any text node containing only $0 within the contents of the spec will be replaced by a complete copy of the matched node, effectively wrapping the matched node.
Now, what I need is to totally replace the invoice lines in invoice PDF report, so I'm trying with a complete replace of the table tag:
<template id="invoice_gross_amount_document" inherit_id="account.report_invoice_document">
<xpath expr="//div/table[@name='invoice_line_table']" position="replace">
This is supposed to erase the table and replace it with the simple string "Test".
But here's what I get: http://oi66.tinypic.com/4sgznt.jpg
The string "TEST" is simply shown before the invoice line table, instead of replacing it.
Why is it happening, and how can I succeed in replacing the node completely? Could someone please help me out?