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2 Replies

In my case, product A is being made from component 'product B' . Setup includes 2 different BOM's. each BOM is using different route(in mrp).
product A, has MTO, manufacture route picked in inventory (tab setup) of product template.
from Sales Order confirmation, MO is being generated in confirmed state. (ready to plan) mode. this means it has already picked first BOM and its route. Mostly, MRP manager needs to decide which BOM to use and right route(eventually).

Q. is it possible to generate MO in "Mark as Todo" mode. so mrp guy can edit BOM if needed. before confirm action > plan > proceed etc.

any ideas will help. huge thanks, haseeb


I guess you could create another route similar to MTO and custom where it stops. So maybe just copy it and then try to modify it?

Best Answer

I think I found a possible way to work. But using two BOM on the same product is not recommended. Us product variants with different BOM is most often better.  You can only change BOM on production order, when order is in status 'Draft'.  But you can change components and I htink also use alternative work centers (if you use that).  I tested in V15 the following with MTO:

  • Cancel the original MO
  • Duplicate this order.
  • In the new order make the changes you want and set status to confirmed.
  • The click on Allocation.  You will get a screen showing orders for this product that is not assigned. ro manufacturing.  You can the assign the Outbound delivery / sales order to the new MO. 
  • There will be some warning messages both on the sales order and the outbound delivery rearding the cancel of the first MO.

not using variants for a reason. i ended up doing exactly as you suggested and found an addon, which let me cancel even order is confirmed.

Best Answer

I would completely agree with @Lars Aam, what is driving the need to have 2 BOMs for a product? While there is flexibility to change components as well as operations in a BOM.

In your question you also mention routes, would using the replenishment as a check point to decide be an option? In  lines with @Apisuer's suggestion. You could set the preferred route and trigger to manual

You may also want to check the post below, which has detailed a work around to set a MO in draft state, however there is also a user feedback that it does not allow for change of BOM!

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