Using an on_change method I am trying to send default values to a one2many field using the concept of (0,0, {list values}; even there it works fine but inside that one2many there is also a one2many field to which I must also send values to implement In my code the same concept of (0,0, {list values}, but I did not get success.
Could you help me?.
Attached fragment of my code
def cargar_pool_labs(self):
labs = []
pool = self.env['mymodel'].sudo().search([])
for laboratorio in pool:
analitos = [(0, 0, {'analito': line.analito, 'resultado': line.resultado , 'resultado2': line.resultado2 , 'unidades': line.unidades , 'laboratorio_id': 104920}) for line in laboratorio.analitos_ids]
'nombre_examen' : laboratorio.nombre_examen,
'cups' : laboratorio.cups,
'laboratorio_id': laboratorio.laboratorio_id,
'analitos_ids' : analitos
self.laboratorios_ids = labs
Note: the analitos_ids field is the one2many field that is inside the laboratorios_ids field which is also one2many.
Thanks for help!