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My company needs to be able to pull a report of all raw materials (BoM components) that are currently in process in a Manufacturing Order. I would like to export a list of Manufacturing Orders with available/reserved components and show the value of all the components to be consumed according to the manufacture quantity and BoM. 

Can someone direct me to the correct fields to use? I am not finding anything from a MO export that links to the cost of the components. For example: Bill of Materials/Component/Cost or a similar description. I hope my explanation is clear. 

Best Answer

Try this. Should give you what you are looking for:

Inventory->Reports->Stockmoves.  Filter = ToDO and Reference contains MO. 


Hi Lars,
That could work for our purpose. Is there a way to export stock moves and include the inventory value of each line? Currently, I can only see the quantity in the stock move.

There is a unit price field at in the model. With the Studio app, it is easy to add in tje list view. But I cannot see a field with total value. You can add that field with an easy development.

To export, you must set in the user profile that export is allowed. Then there is a little arrow up in the left corner in every list view for export to Excel.

If your need is to know the value of work in progress, you might have another option: Set up a location in the warehouse for manufacturing consumption and picking to that location. An inventory report can give you the value directly. A few steps to configure it, but a standard function in Odoo.

The down side of that, is that you get a transfer to process for every manufacturing order, that you don't need. It might be possible to to process it automatic, but I think that would require development of an action.

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