Hi! When I try to search some input on website I obtained this error:
website_sale.products_item and evaluating the following expression: product.product_variant_ids
and there is Qwebexception:"NUMBER" (I think Product ID)
How I can fix this issue???
File "/opt/odoo8.0/openerp/api.py", line 266, in wrapper
return new_api(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/opt/odoo8.0/openerp/models.py", line 3366, in _read_from_database
res2 = self._columns[f].get(cr, self._model, ids, f, user, context=context, values=result)
File "/opt/odoo8.0/openerp/osv/fields.py", line 781, in get
QWebException: "790" while evaluating