Hi everybody, I have some problem with odoo event management. I have some error when access the event details as a public user.
403: Forbidden
The page you were looking for could not be authorized.
Maybe you were looking for one of these popular pages ?
Please kind find the way to fix the problem
Hi Pandachi - Coopilote,
The event allready publish on the website, and when i click that for event detail & register the page shown is forbidden.
This is error log from my server:
The server said i don't have access to this document. How i can give the access for that to public user?
Thank for your nice help
This error message form my server:
AccessError:(u'Sorry, you are not allowed to access this document. Only users with the following access level are currently allowed to that:\n- Events/Manager\n\t- Events/User\n\n(Document model:event.event.ticket)',None)
So we need some infos to help you.
Can you help use to reproduce the problem ?
ex: modules installed, etc ..
- Is the event correctly published on website ?
- can you copy / paste the error message (traceback) you have in server log ?