All the line generated are in one line and even though I used \n \t
Here's the code:
rows = cur.fetchall()
file.write("emp id,bank account id,salary\n")
rows_count = 0
total_salary = 0
for row in rows:
file.write('"%s\t",' % row[0])
file.write("%s\t," % row[1])
file.write("%s\n" % row[2])
rows_count += 1
total_salary += row[2]
file.write("Total Accounts,")
file.write("%s\t" % rows_count)
file.write("Total Salary,")
file.write("%s\t" % total_salary)
with open(name, 'r') as f_read:
file_data =
print 'file_data', file_data #here the output is right, there is new line created
values = {
'name': name,
'datas_fname': name,
'res_model': 'ir.ui.view',
'res_id': False,
'type': 'binary',
'public': True,
'datas': file_data.encode('utf8').encode('base64'), #Is the problem in here?
attachment_id = self.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().create(values)
# Prepare your download URL
download_url = '/web/content/' + str( + '?download=True'
base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('web.base.url')
return {
"type": "ir.actions.act_url",
"url": str(base_url) + str(download_url),
"target": "new",
What should I do to make the added data in the loop is in new line?