i have created a sheduale action with this function
for rec in records:
quant_obj = rec.env['stock.quant']
hq_location = rec.env.ref('stock.stock_location_stock')
quant_qty_available = quant_obj._get_available_quantity(rec, hq_location)
if rec.website_block:
rec.write({'is_published': False})
elif rec.inventory_availability == 'never':
rec.write({'is_published': True})
if quant_qty_available <= rec.available_threshold:
rec.write({'is_published': False})
rec.write({'is_published': True})
it is supposed to check availability in main location and unpublish if not available.
it doent work when i try to run it manually in scheduled action screen but it work perfectly if i changed it to server action and activate it from action button,
Does any one know what am doing wrong?
kindly share the erro log