Hi everyone!
First of all I would like to thank anyone who takes time to help me :)
Problem description:
Version 14.0
Odoo > CRM in the "My activities" section when I try to send an email through the icon between "Snooze 7d" and "SMS", I can't.
It returns the following error message:
Missing record.
The record does not exist or has been deleted.
(Registration: mail.template (10,), User: 6)
Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MzQ7Ndj94xomu6_SntHgnMxRzCXgKxwx/view?usp=sharing
Any type of suggestion?
Thank you!!
28/05/21 ***
The fact is that from another type of button, I can send emails perfectly (even group messages), so I deduce that there must be "something else" that the possible cause that @Ermin Trevisan raises.
Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N9i8_9Gp2NnR3X4w9zOe9bmlI5YXk5-n/view?usp=sharing
Did you delete any email template?
Good Morning @Josep Anton Belchi Riera!
Some time ago I duplicated and deleted the email template "Lead / Opportunity: Mass Mail" but I recreated it exactly as it was.
Including the option to "Activate email action".
I have created and used other custom templates with no problem.
The error appears when I click on that particular icon.
I created another Odoo online (it is in its original state) to check the possible changes and I can't find anything.
Thank you very much, sincerely!
@Ermin Trevisan Thank you very much, really.
This seems to be a good clue!
Would you know or could you tell me how this function can be assigned to the "Send mail" button again?
I'm not a developer, so I can't help you with that. Next time just be aware of the consequences before you delete anything you have not entered yourself-. Do archive/deactivate before, use a test database or make a backup before.