At Point of Sale Orders, I wanted to add a Graph View where it can be grouped by (Shop)
I've successfully added the field 'shop_id' to the tree view, then to the group by at search view. through inherited views for each.
I've created a graph view for the object: pos.order
Architecture: <graph string="POS Orders" type="bar"> <field name="shop_id"/> <field name="amount_total" operator="+"/> </graph>
Later I've added a graph view in the action, so the graph view button appears right after the list view (tree)
problem is ...
The graph appears without proper data.
Par type shows 0 sales, though there are posted orders Pie type shows NaN%
regardless of trying to group by other fields.
I noticed that this problem also happens at the account.account model graph view
Could you please help me with this case ?
I'm not sur the operator attribute work on >v7 ):
in this line you specified <field name="amount_total" operator="+"/>
what is the use of operator ="+"