I have this class (evaluation)
class schoolem_evaluation(osv.Model):
_name = 'schoolem.evaluation'
_columns = {
'name' : fields.char('Evaluation',help="Champ automatique = periodeN_ExamenN_CoursX_SalleDeClasseS"),
'aca_id' : fields.many2one('schoolem.aca','Annee Academique',required=True),
'periode_id' : fields.many2one('schoolem.periode','Periode',required=True,help="Par exemple : trimestre01"),
'examen_id' : fields.many2one('schoolem.examen','Examen',required=True),
'salle_de_classe_id' : fields.many2one('schoolem.salle_de_classe','Salle de Classe',required=True),
'cours_id' : fields.many2one('schoolem.cours','Cours',required=True),
'note_ids' : fields.one2many('schoolem.note_evaluation','evaluation_id','Notes'),
and this class (note_evaluation)
class schoolem_note_evaluation(osv.Model):
_name = 'schoolem.note_evaluation'
_order = 'etudiant_id'
_columns = {
'name' : fields.float('Note',digits=(6,2),required=True),
'evaluation_id' : fields.many2one('schoolem.evaluation','Evaluation',),
'etudiant_id' : fields.many2one('schoolem.etudiant','Etudiant',required=True),
'rang' : fields.integer('Rang'),
'observation' : fields.text('Observation'),
And I would like the user to be able to generate one2many note_evaluation lines through an on_change method when selecting the value of the last field(cours_id) in the Evaluation_form; and to make that the generated lines appear directly in the view, so that he can insert the name value (note) of each note_evaluation line. And save all.
Is it possible? This is my current XML view file
<field name="cours_id" context="{'evaluation_id': active_id, 'test': 1}" on_change="on_change_cours_id(examen_id,salle_de_classe_id,cours_id,aca_id)"/>
<page string="Inserer des notes">
<field nolabel="1" name="note_ids" context="{'evaluation_id': active_id}"/>
and this is the onchange function:
def on_change_cours_id(self,cr, uid, ids,examen_id,salle_de_classe_id,cours_id,aca_id,context=None):
context=context or {}
#if context is None:
# context = {}
for etud_id in etudiant_ids:
note_eval = self.pool.get('schoolem.note_evaluation')
if not context.get('id', False): #id de l'evaluation
context['id'] = context.get('evaluation_id')
eval_id = context.get('id', False)
raise osv.except_osv(('the form!'), (context.get('active_id')))
id = note_eval.create(cr, uid, {'name':0,'etudiant_id':etud_id,'evaluation_id':eval_id}, context=context)
With this, it the on_change method create the note_evaluation in the database but the user interface do not load them and the one2many field remain empty. I observe the note_evaluation in teh database donnot have the evaluation_id.
How to do?
solved, look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20954412/create-and-edit-items-of-a-one2many-field-through-on-change-method