I've made 2 models :
class ModelA(models.Model):
_name = "model.a"
_description = "Will be based on the planning module to handle work "
_rec_name = "based_on_role"
work_day = fields.Date('Working day', default=fields.Date.today)
note = fields.Char('Note')
state = fields.Selection([
('new', 'Information'),
('confirmed', 'CONFIRMED'),
('approved', 'APPROVED'),
('cancel', 'CANCEL'),
o_2_m = fields.One2many('model.b', 'moda_modb', string="ABC XYZ")
based_on_role = fields.Many2one('planning.role', string="Open Shift")
In model_b.py, I inherited the planning splot model of the planning module which already has data in the field: employee_id, role_id,...
class ModelB(models.Model):
_name = "model.b"
_inherit = "planning.slot"
_description = "Inherits the planning.slot model of the planning module"
moda_modb = fields.Many2one('model.a')
I want to show/load already data in the field: 'employee_id', 'role_id' of the model planning slot in o_2_m field of the model_a's form view, based on the change of based_on_role field.
For Ex:
If the user selected the data: 'Chef', in field: based_on_role
Then in o_2_m field will only show/load all user name which has the role: 'Chef'
and so on...
I'd tried to create the onchange function for the field like that:
def onchange_based_on_role(self):
for rec in self:
lines = [(5, 0, 0)]
if rec.based_on_role:
for line in self:
data_planning_slot = self.env["planning.slot"].search([(
'employee_id', '=', line.employee_id.id,
'role_id', '=', line.role_id)])
val = {
'employee_id' : line.data_planning_slot.employee_id.id,
'role_id' : line.data_planning_slot.role_id,
lines.append((0, 0, val))
rec.o2m = lines
But it's wrong!
Please help!
Thank you!