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Is it possible to mass import a note onto a series of records using the import feature? We are on Odoo online, V12, but we expect to move to later this year.

An example of our use case: We are processing mid-year price increases from our vendors due to the pandemic. It would be helpful if on the same import file with the latest sale price and cost, I could add a column that would allow me to would place a note on all affected records, perhaps to say, "COVID-19 price increase effective Sept. 1, 2020 per email received Aug. 30, 2020." Then the pricing could be updated and the related note added in the same step.

Manually logging notes is fine for a few products, but there could be several dozen or even hundreds of items affected by a change depending on our vendor. For context, our inventory database has almost 200,000 products, so noting some of these nuances regarding changes to product templates would be helpful to our sales team.

Best Answer

You can add one field like x_covid_notes

Then new column add on sheet then import as relevant or need to  affected records. Only affected related sheet you import.


I see how that would work. My intention was to post the note directly to the standard notes area off to the right of the product template, so these comments would simply be a part of the reverse-chronological chatter on a record. While the COVID information is a common example right now, there would be other reasons for logging a note depending on the purpose of the import. However, I don't think anything in the standard notes area can be exported and therefore I would think I cannot import into that area, either. Am I correct?

I managed to export the notes and also the date of the notes. However, an import fails due to an error. I am still looking for a solution.

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