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Hi everyone,

I am trying to reimport a file into my system that has a price change and I am receiving the following error:

"Missing required value for the field 'name' at 10 different rows"

But in the field 'name' there is a title for each cell, so I am unsure what the problem is? As well as this, I exported my sheet are export/import compatible.

Best Answer

When a field is mandatory for a record - which is occasionally true for the name field -, you have to include this field in the field list, even if you do not want to select it for importing. This can also happen for a mandatory field of a related object. For specific help please provide the necessary information.

Best Answer

How many rows in the file you imported? Odoo only show first 10 rows of the file, there should be empty cells in the rest rows. Another case, you may not apply/or apply wrong column mapping to the model. Check this tutorial in
