I am trying to setup an automated action which notifies a channel that a sales order has been placed on Odoo V11.
I have got it to post a flat message, but I want it to contain a link to the sales order which the user can click and gets taken to it.
In the automated action I have the below python code:
for rec in records:
channel_id = env['mail.channel'].search([('id', '=', 29)])
notification = ('<div class="sale.order"><a href="#" class="o_redirect" data-oe-id="%s">#%s</a></div>') % (rec.id, rec.name,)
body='Order has been placed: '+str(rec.id)+' '+notification+' by: '+ str( env['res.users'].search([('id', '=',rec.create_uid.id)]).name )+ '',
This comes up with the error message "Record does not exist or has been deleted."
Does anyone know where I am going wrong?