I'm trying to set up Multiple company with their own websites in one database.
I set up the companies, set up the domains, and until that everything works..
but the different content isn't working. By default they share the same menu links, and homepage content.
I tried to do different content via versioning, but for some reason its attached to Google developer account.(Analytics API)
I set it up but whenever i tried to save a version the following error comes up.
ERROR test openerp.addons.google_account.google_account: Bad google request : {"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"global","reason":"insufficientPermissions","message":"User does not have permission to perform this operation."}],"code":403,"message":"User does not have permission to perform this operation."}} !
I set up the developer API on my email and i authenticated my user as well to use it, and still that error pops up!
How can i fix this? the reason my clients bought the enterprise version to do this!