I've been trying to get my odoo installation to have 2 companies ( A and B ), have 2 websites, hosted at 2 domains ( A.com , B.com)
I'd rather not go down the dbfilter route if possible, as payroll for both companies is done at A, so having it all in one backend interface without having to change site /db would be ideal.
I've gotten something similar to this working, by adding another website using the debug mode "Open View" on web.form, and setting the domain appropriately, but this doesn't work as expected, as the homepage is identical on both domains, even though they have a different set of pages..
Best as i have found, the normal way to do this is now only accessible in the Enterprise edition, whereas it used to be possible in community.
Any advice on getting this working with two independent websites, each attached to a different company, accesible from 2 domains, would be greatly appreciated.Thanks..