the normal procedure says to go on ‚Manage Databases‘ on loginscreen (with or without user and pw seems to be irelevant) and there to go on menu item ‚Backup‘ (on the left). So far so good. Now the db has to be choosen (I have only one) and the ‚Backup‘-Button can be pressed. Fine, but what do I have to put into the ‚Master Password‘ field. I have a passwort for the application user ‚admin‘, for a separate user, that I created in the app and I have never changed other possible ‚default‘-Passwords. Unfortunately a Backup without the Master Password is not allowed and I dont find any information on the net, what the default password could be. My ‚admin‘-Password does not work. I went via ssh on the synology and stepped into the place, where I have given the app the place while installation: (/volume4/@appstore/Odoo8). There I stepped into config and took a look to the file open-server.conf, which says the following:
db_host = False
db_port = False
db_user = ODOO8
db_password = False
db_template = template0
addons_path = /var/packages/Odoo8/target/addons
data_dir = /var/packages/Odoo8/target/data
logfile = /var/packages/Odoo8/target/log/server.log
logrotate = True
pidfile = /run/odoo8.pid
I’m not sure, weather this is the right file or where I have to search to find an hint for any possible password.
Can anyone help me on this way? - Possibly there exists a complete other and better solution? I’m open for anything useful ...
Many thanks in advance!! :-)
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