This question is a solution sample. I'm not a very experienced programmer. The main question is: Did i forget something?
Sometimes it is neccessary to use higher report resolutions than 90DPI. I found many workarounds to avoid different representations on different resolutions. I think it would be the easiest way to provide report dependend stylesheets. I have tried:
inherit from web.report_assets_common (Makes SCSS accessible for all reports)
<style> and <script> tags in report template (Maybe I'm dumb but both simply don't work with wkhtml)
inherit web.report_layout and add a dynamic style attribute to the html tag (No success)
then I've found a new mechanism in 13.0: update_scss().
This methon in base -> updates an attachment named which will be used in reports to change company colors and font. So I inherit from and wrote this:
class Company(models.Model): _inherit=""
def update_scss(self):
super(Company, self).update_scss()
paperformat = self.paperformat_id
if paperformat.dpi:
# get the scss file and decode it
attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].search([('name', '=', '')])
scss_data = base64.b64decode(attachment.datas).decode('utf-8')
# update the string and overwrite the
scss_string = '{}\n html {{font-size: 12pt / 90 * {};}}'.format(scss_data, paperformat.dpi)
scss_data = base64.b64encode((scss_string).encode('utf-8'))
attachment.write({'datas': scss_data})
return ''
I checked the appearance with several dpi values now they're nearly similar.
Do you know other solutions? By doing it this way, do you see any risks?