An overpayment ends up as an credit that can be applied to any other open Invoice for that customer. So I created a example:
1) Create invoice with overpayment for amount -30.00
2) I have 30.00 credit for this client (it is a credit on their ACCOUNT)
3) create a new invoice over 100.00 for this particular client, and the creditline with 30.00 is visible
4) I reedem this credit to this invoice -- the Total amount of the invoice should change to 70.00 becose YOU HAVE TO SEND THIS CLIENT A INVOICE Total minus the credit.
5) The Total amount of this invoice keeps on 100.00 -- its not possible to create the correct invoice with the 70.00
Workflow is broken.
What is the current behavior that you observe?
this issue happens on all Odoo versions (enterprise and comunity and online as well)
What would be your expected behavior in this case?
If you reedem a credit on a invoice the Total amount has to change becose you need to create a invoice with the Total minus the Credit. With the current function its not possible to create a invoice with the correct Total amount.
The total amount is 100 and remains 100 as this is the value of goods or services to be invoiced. Only the amount due is supposed to change.