Odoo Manufacturing Best Practices
Location: Second Floor - Hall 2 - 11/30/23, 12:00 PM - 11/30/23, 12:30 PM (US/Eastern) (30 minutes)
Paul Osterhaus
Paul Osterhaus

Paul Osterhaus has passion for using innovation in thought processes and technology to drive results

This talk will delve into the realm of manufacturing implementations, and shed light on the best practices specifically tailored for Odoo. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how Odoo can effectively streamline their manufacturing processes, enhance operational efficiency, and drive overall productivity with MES Automation. A comprehensive overview of Odoo's capabilities and functionalities (in the context of manufacturing) will be provided, as we discuss practical insights on how to successfully plan, execute, and manage an Odoo implementation project. 

Key topics include: 

Assessing Manufacturing Requirements: Attendees will learn how to analyze their organization's unique manufacturing needs, and align them with Odoo's features and modules. The speaker will highlight the importance of conducting a thorough assessment in order to identify pain points, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement. 

Manufacturing Workflow Configuration: This segment will focus on aligning Odoo with specific manufacturing processes. Attendees will discover how to properly configure work centers, define bills of materials (BoMs), set up production planning, manage inventory, and implement quality control measures. 

MES Automation: MES automation optimizes manufacturing operations by eliminating manual tasks, improving data accuracy, enhancing process efficiency, reducing lead times, and enabling proactive decision-making. We'll discuss how it can empower organizations to achieve higher productivity, quality, and profitability by leveraging automation technologies within an MES implementation. 

Production Performance Monitoring: We will discuss the importance of real-time monitoring, and analytics, in manufacturing. Attendees will discover how to use Odoo's reporting and analytic tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs), monitor production efficiency, and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.