Electronic Invoicing
Invoice Certification
Mexican companies can now certify any e-invoice with Odoo.
Transaction Types
Odoo supports the following electronic transactions: CFDI for customer invoices, payments with its XML compliment.
XML Export
The XML and PDF with the required QR code are placed in the invoices automatically by Odoo.

Chart of Accounts
SAT Compliance
Odoo completely refactored the chart of accounts, in order to use the grouping codes proposed by the SAT. All the required core data is automatically added (SAT codes for product, payment, and fiscal regimes).
Authorized Certification Provider (PAC)
You can choose between 3 of the most reliable (and cost effective) PAC services available in Mexico.

For regular and exceptional transactions.
Odoo’s comprehensive Chart of Accounts makes electronic accounting easier than ever before.
Trial Balance
The Trial Balance is automatically generated and can be exported to XML, or as a TXT (for DPIVA).

Functional Documentation
Odoo makes it easier for users to configure and implement the localization, by following the steps (and advice) found in our functional documentation.
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