مؤسسة الذ الحلوى للتجارة

مؤسسة الذ الحلوى للتجارة

Sweet, a renowned candy retailer in Saudi Arabia with 17 branches, approached us with a critical need to modernize their operations. Their primary challenge lay in integrating their existing scales with Odoo to streamline inventory management. We successfully engineered a solution that seamlessly integrated their scales with Odoo, enabling online and offline functionality.

Sweet initially approached us with nine branches, After experienced significant value and efficiency gains. Empowered by Odoo's capabilities, Sweet expanded rapidly, doubling their branches to 22 and continuing to grow. Our implementation provided them with comprehensive dashboards offering clear visibility into branch-specific consumption patterns, departmental performance, and overall business metrics. With tailored features for inventory tracking, cost management, and financial reporting, we empowered Sweet to optimize operations, enhance decision-making, and drive growth across their multi-branch network.