Saudská arábia

Ideal Lines Computer Systems (iLines)
Welcome to Ideal Lines Computer Systems (iLines), which boasts 100% successful installations across a variety of businesses, and has offices in Riyadh, Amman, and Dubai. As renowned Odoo Gold Partners in KSA, we are experts at providing complete ERP and company management solutions that are expertly designed to meet the various demands of the manufacturing, trading, services, and non-profit sectors.
Industries we serve
With a firm commitment to quality, we enable companies to maximize their productivity, simplify procedures, and drive creativity, ensuring long-term expansion and profitability in the KSA's dynamic economic environment today. We identify ourselves as authorities in several fields, with particular emphasis on manufacturing, trading, services, and non-profit organizations.
Our team of expert advisors and developers works to enhance our clients' businesses by providing them with goods that are second to none. We create excellent answers to your business's issues.
Our Products:
Our suite of products is meticulously crafted to empower organizations and companies seeking to optimize their performance and efficiency.
Odoo ⇔ WhatsApp Integration:
Revolutionize your communication with Odoo ERP seamlessly integrated with WhatsApp. Our innovative Odoo WhatsApp Integration automates processes, enabling your system to engage with customers effortlessly, across modules including CRM, Sales, HR, and more.
iProcurement (Professional Supply Chain):
Experience the pinnacle of supply chain management with iProcurement. Our expertly crafted module offers a sophisticated engine to meet the most complex supply chain needs. Customize workflows and validate conditions with ease, ensuring seamless operations throughout your procurement process.
iLines HR:
Unlock the power of HR management with iLines HR. Our specialized system applies best practice scenarios tailored to your organization's needs, with localization options for various countries. Enjoy the convenience of mobile apps that cover all essential HR functionalities, enhancing efficiency and productivity.
Address and Contact Information:
Saudi Arabia, Riyadh
Al Mohammadiyyah 12363,
King Fahd Branch Rd,
Wamy Building, 2nd Floor.
Office No. 19.
Website: www.erpprof.com
Email: odoo@erpprof.com | info@erpprof.com
+966 55 620 0126 (Saudi Arabia)
+962 79 760 5830 (Jordan)
+971 58 900 9562 (UAE)
One of the first leading manufacturers and marketing of building materials in Saudi Arabia. Since its founding more than sixty years ago established more than seventy branches throughout the Kingdom, employing more than 1000 employees
Challenges: Almarshad Contracting and Precast Company faced difficulties in managing their project workflows, resource allocation, inventory management, and finance procedures as they grew and took on complicated construction projects. Project schedules and profitability were impacted by manual procedures used for project tracking, procurement, and financial reporting.
As an Odoo Gold Partner in KSA, iLines provided this solution: To overcome these obstacles and optimize their precast and construction operations, Almarshad Contracting and Precast Company implemented Odoo ERP in collaboration with iLines Solutions, a reputable Odoo Gold Partner. To create a custom implementation plan, iLines Solutions thoroughly evaluated Almarshad's business procedures, needs, and pain areas.
THE BOOM: In 2004, AIMS scored a very important contracts with with the Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities and with Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF), the later project was enormous by any measure, AIMS was to oversee 160 Training & Development Centers all over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the objective was to to train 60,000 individuals to make enable them to enter the professional market.
By 2008 AIMS had major changes a new name and a new direction, Arab Institute for Sales and Marketing simply became AIMS Training and Consultation. The firm has new senior team possessing strong experience in the Human Development and Business Management fields. They shortly transformed the way AIMS does business. By focusing on total training and human development solutions by instilling customer special care measurements, changing AIMS image and corporate identity, with a new vision and values and by expanding AIMS horizons to be the best there is in the region.
CURRENTLY: AIMS has trained more than 90,000 people. Conducted 90,000 training days, delivered more than 3,000 training courses and assessed more than 45,000 individuals.
Industries we serve
With a firm commitment to quality, we enable companies to maximize their productivity, simplify procedures, and drive creativity, ensuring long-term expansion and profitability in the KSA's dynamic economic environment today. We identify ourselves as authorities in several fields, with particular emphasis on manufacturing, trading, services, and non-profit organizations.
Our team of expert advisors and developers works to enhance our clients' businesses by providing them with goods that are second to none. We create excellent answers to your business's issues.
Our Products:
Our suite of products is meticulously crafted to empower organizations and companies seeking to optimize their performance and efficiency.
Odoo ⇔ WhatsApp Integration:
Revolutionize your communication with Odoo ERP seamlessly integrated with WhatsApp. Our innovative Odoo WhatsApp Integration automates processes, enabling your system to engage with customers effortlessly, across modules including CRM, Sales, HR, and more.
iProcurement (Professional Supply Chain):
Experience the pinnacle of supply chain management with iProcurement. Our expertly crafted module offers a sophisticated engine to meet the most complex supply chain needs. Customize workflows and validate conditions with ease, ensuring seamless operations throughout your procurement process.
iLines HR:
Unlock the power of HR management with iLines HR. Our specialized system applies best practice scenarios tailored to your organization's needs, with localization options for various countries. Enjoy the convenience of mobile apps that cover all essential HR functionalities, enhancing efficiency and productivity.
Mayyar United Company for Support Services is a limited liability company specialized in life support services, catering, and hospitality, workplaces and facilities management services in Saudi Arabia. The company operates according to international standards in their respective fields with a view to improving the working environment of the targeted group of clients and developing work community by offering integrated solutions.
MILE was initiated as one of Madinah Knowledge Economic City (KEC) Corporate Social Responsibility programs; however, it grew to be a collaborative initiative that attracted the contributions and support of many companies, academic institutions, research & consulting organizations and professional groups.
As of now MILE programs have been attended by top executives from more than 500 companies around the globe and have attracted above 700 participants from more than 25 countries.
بدأت المؤسسة في عام 1436هـ في عنيزة في شارع ابن سليمان وبعد أن حققت المؤسسة أرباح قررت التوسع
تعمل المؤسسة في نشاط بيع مختلف الحلويات والفطائر للأسر المبدعة حيث تضم المؤسسة أكثر من 100 أسره مبدعة وتعامل على بيع منتجاته بعمولة قدرها 26% شاملة الضريبة، وتقوم المؤسسة بتسويق منتجات الأسر المبدعة في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي.
نقدم للعميل جميع الحلول التي تخص الاستشارات الأمنية، ونوفر ايضاً الامن والامان الذي يستحقه العميل في محيط المنزل والعمل بأعلى درجة من الجودة ومن دون مشاكل."
Tilal Foods is committed to improving food security in Saudi Arabia by striving to localize the manufacturing of food products. We are backed by strong family businesses with more than 100 years of industrial and investment experience in the country and the region.
Our model involves setting up joint ventures with internationally renowned companies to manufacture food products locally and investing in Saudi companies with the potential to grow. We work closely with the latter’s management to provide strategic and operational guidance and to create a strong operational framework that enables the companies to thrive.
Key drivers of outperformance are typically:
Investing for organic growth
Ensuring operational efficiency
Securing top quality management teams
Driving growth through acquisition
Optimizing capital structures
لقد كنا شركة راسخة وشعبية ولدينا سجل ممتاز من الإنجازات لتحقيق أفضل إرضاء للعملاء. لم نتنازل عن الجودة والخدمات المقدمة للعميل. نحن نؤمن بإبقاء العملاء سعداء وتزويدهم بالمنتجات بسعر مناسب للغاية. لدينا موظفين ممتازين سيرشدونك بأفضل أفكارهم من خلال البقاء على اتصال دائم بشركتك والإبلاغ عن اتجاهات السوق. نتطلع إلى علاقة مشتركة ونجاح لجميع المعنيين."
Al-Ra’idah for Human Resources is a name full of meaning and goals. We seek to outline the steps and devote attention to all requirements compatible with ambition by using analytical methods and advanced technologies that contribute to selecting efficient and accurate cadres.
لبيه هي الحل المتكامل لتقديم خدمات الرعاية النفسية عبر الجلسات والمحاضرات من المختصين بكل سهولة وسرية من خلال منصة لبيه
تعنى المؤسسة منذ نشأتها بمجالات متعددة في أوجه الخير وتسعى إلى الاستدامة في كل ما تقدمه. وتؤمن بأن كل عطاء ربح فتشعبت كفوفها لغرس بذرة الخير بنشر التطوع والعمل به، وكذلك وضع حجر الأساس للنجاح بالتمكين فهو لب الإنجاز وطريقه، فصارت على أهبة الاستعداد لتعطي كل جدير بالدعم ما تطمح الحصول عليه. كما تؤمن المؤسسة بأن الشراكات الاستراتيجية والتعاون مع القطاع العام والخاص والمنظمات الدولية تكاتف لخدمة هذا الوطن.
إن العنود منظمة غير ربحية ذات كفاءة وفعالية قابلة للقياس وشفافة، ستكون مصدرا للتمكين والتطوع والإلهام في المملكة العربية السعودية، ومحورا للمعرفة للقطاع غير الربحي.
تمكين الشعب السعودي ورعايته بالشراكة مع القطاع الحكومي والخاص وغير الربحي ذا التأثير في المجتمع وفق رؤية 2030م.