Výrobné zákazky
Create and manage unlimited manufacturing orders that are automatically configured based on the Bill of Materials selected.
Pracovné príkazy
Break down your manufacturing orders into work orders, which can be subdivided into smaller steps.
Bills of Materials
Configure multiple Bills of Materials for every product you produce, and configure them with required components and operations.
Work centers
Assign work orders to specific work centers where they can be carried out.
Čiarový kód
Use a barcode scanner to trigger operations and simplify manufacturing workflows.
Master Production Schedule
Understand forecasted stock and demand to influence long-term manufacturing planning.
Flexible planning
Plan production by work center or work orders.
Use the built-in scheduler to automatically or manually maintain component levels and manage operations.
Miesto výroby
MO cards
View and manage all of your manufacturing orders in a single location.
WO cards
Complete work orders from their own dedicated cards, grouped by the work center where they are carried out.
Time tracking
Track the total time worked by each employee, and the overall time spent on each work order.
BoM updates
Revise Bills of Materials based on employee and customer feedback.
New products
Manage the introduction of new products from concept through deployment.
Approval management
Control who can approve or deny suggested changes to Bills of Materials.
Kontrolné stupne kvality
Automate the creation of quality checks to ensure that inspections are happening at regular intervals.
Quality checks
Choose from a variety of quality check types to ensure every product is properly inspected.
Upozornenia na kvalitu
Create alerts when product defects are found, and suggest corrective and preventive actions.
View all scheduled and predicted maintenance in a dedicated calendar view.
Track every piece of equipment and view relevant statistics for each, including Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF), and Mean Time to Repair (MTTR).
Work centers
Automatically calculate and track key work center statistics, including cost per hour, capacity, and time efficiency.
Manufacturing and work orders
Compare the quantity of each product manufactured, the expected duration of work orders, and more.
Celková účinnosť zariadenia
See the impact of material availability and equipment failure on productive time.
Production analysis
Understand the cost per unit of every product you manufacture.