Business management for students
Role playing games to discover how businesses work:
run a shop (cash register), manage an inventory, discover recruitment processes, etc.

Visit LabOdoo
By visiting LabOdoo, students will immerse themselves in the day-to-day life of a company and tackle real-world business challenges using Odoo. They will explore multiple job roles and gain practical skills and experience about the world of work.
Multiple categories
The 9 departments present in LabOdoo are divided into 3 categories
Accounting, HR and Field Service Management
Project Management, Inventory and Manufacturing
Point of Sale, eCommerce, Sales and Purchase

Introducing LabOdoo
Introduce your class to
business management while
having fun!

Be ready to play!
LabOdoo comes to your academic institution (high-schools, universities, colleges), and only takes 1 hour to set up!

For all classes
Economics, Practice Enterprises, Introduction to the creation of enterprises, Accounting, Management, System of Information, Entrepreneur, …
Check out our teacher's guide:

Discover how you can prepare your students a maximum for this activity and, most importantly, how you can continue the Odoo experience with your class after the LabOdoo.

Plenty of room
The trailer can accommodate up to 27 people simultaneously. The activity in the lab is supervised by the LabOdoo facilitator.

How it works
In groups of three, participants will take on the roles of employees from three different departments. For each department, a challenge is given. Using the instructions and equipment provided, the students will have to solve the challenge in the Odoo software in under 15 minutes. Then move on to another department until they've completed a challenge in all 3 categories.
The total duration is of 1:30 hour (60 minutes of workshops and 15 minutes for the introduction and 15 for the conclusion).
Labodoo in images
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