Hi everyone,
i have a problem in my module that has over 600.000 datas in the database.
let's say that i have a field like this and it works well (before update) :
distance_string = fields.Char(string='Distance', compute='_compute_range')
now i need to update that field to become like this and :
distance_string = fields.Char(string='Distance', compute='_compute_range',
store=True) outside_range= fields.Selection([('no','no'),('yes','Yes')], string="Out of Range", default='no')
it will also work well if i update in the module that has less data. I think there's no problem with my code. The problem is why do i take so much loading time to update this module and it's never end. Can anyone suggest me how to fix it? because i really need to set store=True in that computed field
nb: forget bout that stored computed field. this module still take never ends loading even if i just add a new field with the default values. i think the problem is from the how much the datas in my module before i update