Hi. I cant make split reservation across 2 warehouses. Here is some examples to make it clear.
Lets say you have single warehouse and product A. This product present as 1 unit at location WH_A/S/1 and 2 at location WH_A/S/2.
You create sale order with product A 3 units. Validate. You will get picking with 2 lines: 1 from WH_A/S/1 and 2 from WH_A/S/2. All good.
Another case when you have 2 warehouses. Similar situation, but product present in WH_A/S/1 and WH_B/S/1 .
If you configure stock rules to pull from 2nd warehouse if not enough in 1st, then it will create 2 pickings:
1 picking - A qty = 3
2 picking - A qty = 2
How to make it split reservation, similar to first case, but having 2 separate pickings ?
I have the same dilemma, did you find out how?
did you find a solution?