Using the XML-RPC I am trying to complete a partial transfer of a stock.picking. I have been able to successfully complete a full transfer with the below code, but I need to control which individual lines and their quantities to be included in the transfer.
Below is the code being used to create the transfer and process the transfer:
incoming = sock.execute( dbname, uid, pwd, 'stock.picking', 'search', [( 'origin', '=', po_read['name'] )] )
context = {'active_ids': incoming, 'active_id': incoming[0], 'active_model':'stock.picking'}
transfer_create = sock.execute( dbname, uid, pwd, 'stock.transfer_details', 'create', {'picking_id': incoming[0]}, context )
sock.execute( dbname, uid, pwd, 'stock.transfer_details', 'do_detailed_transfer', transfer_create )
Can someone advise me how what to pass so that only certain lines of the stock.picking are created for the transfer?
I'm guessing I need to do something before do_retailed_transfer is run but I'm not sure what. Please Help :)