I need to setup the following:
Swiss based company.
Functional currency USD!
I face an issue with currency conversion.
Actual settings: Fiscal package: Switzerland
Fiscal country: Switzerland
Main currency of company: USD
Multi currency activated: EUR, CHF, GBP, USD
Currency import form Federal Tax Administratioin. Works
Conversion CHF -> USD works fine.
Conversion EUR -> USD does not work.
Odoo obviously calculates first EUR -> CHF -> USD applying the wrong currency rates.
Vendor bill: EUR 1.-
Conversion rate in currency table EUR: 0.845721
Conversion rate in currency table CHF: 0.924390
Correct: Conversion EUR 1.- x 1/0.845721 = USD 1.182423
Odoo: EUR 1.- x 1/0.845721 x 1/0.924390 = USD 1.09302, therefore EUR -> CHF with conversion rate EUR /USD and then > USD-> CHF with conversion rate CHF/USD
Is there a solution for that behaviour?
Thank you for your support
AFAIK from a fiscal, legal and accounting point of view, there is no such thing as a direct conversion of foreign currency to foreign currency.