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2 Replies

I am running Odoo 11 Community on Debian Stretch. I have installed wkhtmltox from using the stretch_amd64 .deb. Nginx is proxying to

wkhtmltopdf -V yields 'wkhtmltopdf (with patched qt)'.

I have added the system parameter 'report.url' and pointed it to

When I attempt to print invoice or RFQ documents, I get a PDF without template formatting and 'My Company' in place of my company name. I have tried switching templates. I have restarted Odoo a few times and even rebooted the server instance. I have not seen any errors from wkhtmltopdf in server logs.

Where do I go from here? TIA.

Author Best Answer

The solution was to be more verbose in the parameter setting for report.url. For those who are new (like I am): the parameter settings can be reached by first enabling 'Developer mode' on the right side of the settings dashboard under the "Share the Love" box. Once that's done, you have access to additional menus in the settings sidebar. In parameters -> system parameters, create a new key called 'report.url' and set the value to ''. The formatting of the value is important; don't leave out http:// or the ending slash. This is what was causing my reports to fail.

The 'My Company' issue is a separate one and can be resolved in inventory -> warehouse management -> warehouses.

Best Answer

Check if you can resolve this with the additional system parameter report.url:

Also, the recommended version is 0.12.1 and is available on the wkhtmltopdf download page, in the archive section.  I know Odoo is VERY particular about the version, so I would try with the EXACT version on the download page they recommend.
