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I enabled Wire Transfer but it is not showing up as a payment option at the check out whereas all other options show. What am I missing? Thanks

Best Answer


Please follow the steps,

1. Go to Website-> Configuration->Payment provider

2. Install and activate the Wire transfer.

Make sure the state is enabled and published.

3. Now you can select the wire transfer at the checkout form.

For more information, please refer to the book,

Hope it helps,

Best Answer

I actually observe the same behaviour. Although wire transfer is enabled and published in payment providers, it is not offered as a payment option during checkout.

Now, this does not happen when activating wire transfer the first time. In this case it shows up fine as a payment option during checkout. But when disabling wire transfer afterwards and enabling it again later, it shows up as enabled and published in payment providers but not as a payment options during checkout.

This happens for me on Odoo 17.0, but I also can reproduce it on a demo database with 17.2 (

Open the demo database and add wire transfer as a payment provider. Going to the website, selecting the shop, adding something to the cart and checking out, wire transfer appears as a payment option. Now deactivate wire transfer in payment provider, go again to the website and repeat the steps to be sure that wire transfer was disabled. Now go back to payment providers and enable and publish wire transfer again. Going back to the website and repeating the above steps, wire transfer should appear again as a payment option, but it does not.

Looks like a bug for me. Other payment providers look fine and do not show this behaviour. Only wire transfer does.

Author Best Answer

I did all those steps already, still only SEPA and credit card are displayed.

Version 17 I think.

Best Answer

Hello, which version sir, maybe you need to publish that wire transfer
