I encounter a very strange bug when I am developing a website.
I have two templates, called myself_male and myself_female, with exactly the same fields, only their data are to be stored in different tables, males and females respectively. So I let the template myself_female inherit the template myself_male and change the action which stores data from creat_myself_male to creat_myself_female. The xml files are as below:
My controller file is as below:
@http.route('/myself_male', auth='public', website=True)
def myself_male(self, **kw):
return http.request.render('eden.myself_male', {})
The strange thing is that when I click the url: localhost:8069/myself_male, suppose controller will render myself_male and when I finish typing input and click submit, it will trigger the action creat_myself_male, but actually it trigger creat_myself_female, i.e. the inheriting template changes the content of the original one. This sounds incredible, but I repeat changing the name of the template many times, the result is the same. Can someone help me figure out what is wrong with my code? Thank you very much in advance.