Hello all,
In the account.report_vat, do you always have the columns debit and credit equal to 0?
Mine are always at 0.
Do you know this problem?
Edit #1
In the method _get_lines() of the file report_vat.py, we can find those lines. It is strange to see there... 'debit' : 0 and 'credit': 0.... No?
def _get_lines(self, based_on, company_id=False, parent=False, level=0, context=None):
_logger.error("_get_lines BEGIN")
period_list = self.period_ids
fiscalyear_id = self.fiscalyear_id
res = self._get_codes(based_on, company_id, parent, level, period_list, context=context)
if period_list:
res = self._add_codes(based_on, res, period_list, context=context)
if not fiscalyear_id:
self.cr.execute("select id from account_fiscalyear where company_id = %s", (company_id,))
result = self.cr.fetchall()
fy = [x[0] for x in result]
fy = [fiscalyear_id]
self.cr.execute("select id from account_period where fiscalyear_id = ANY(%s)", (fy,))
periods = self.cr.fetchall()
for p in periods:
res = self._add_codes(based_on, res, period_list, context=context)
i = 0
top_result = []
while i < len(res):
res_dict = { 'code': res[i][1]['code'],
'name': res[i][1]['name'],
'debit': 0,
'credit': 0,
'tax_amount': res[i][1]['sum_period'],
'type': 1,
'level': res[i][0],
'pos': 0
Little up here! Comments?