I'm getting crazy with the incoming and outgoing mail servers... I've been solving problems for a while to make them work on all of my computers, but there is always another problem.
In this case, I've realized that incoming mail servers are working great until I install the website_mail module. After this, they stop working properly. But depending on the computer, they behave in two different ways:
On some of the computers, the scheduled action Fetchmail service stops working (despite being active and reloading the inbox each minute). So, when you receive an email, you don't notice this. To get it, you have to go to the incoming mail server and click on Fetch now. After that, you notice that you've received an email.
On other computers, the incoming mail servers stop working totally. It doesn't matter if you click on Fetch now, you never will receive the emails in the Odoo inbox.
Can anyone give me a hint of what's going on here, please? I need to keep website_mail installed, but I don't know where is the problem.