Hello all,
I just update module list in many of my Odoo 8 installations with the
account_invoice_rounding module.
It is the first time I see this kind of error.
And this error appears in the log :
2015-12-23 03:02:03,062 19463 INFO ? werkzeug: - - [23/Dec/2015 03:02:03] "GET /base/static/src/css/description.css HTTP/1.0" 304 -
<string>:23: (WARNING/2) Duplicate explicit target name: "swedish rounding".
2015-12-23 03:02:03,119 19463 WARNING 111aaa openerp.addons.base.module.module: docutils' system message present: <system_message backrefs="id1" level="2" line="23" source="<string>" type="WARNING"><paragraph>Duplicate explicit target name: "swedish rounding".</paragraph></system_message>