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When entering an employee expense report, I set the date of the expense report at the top of the form. I am currently entering many expense reports from several months ago, so I want the accounting entries to be dated in the period that they were incurred.

Unfortunately, after the expense report is submitted to a manager for approval, and after the manager has approved the report and clicked on Generate Accounting Entries, the accounting entries are all dated on the date of that the accounting entries were created, and not on the date of the expense report.

How do I force the accounting entries to be in the correct period and date?

For now, I plan to open up the journal entries and manually change the dates.


By the way, I understand the reason for making the accounting entries dated when the manager approves the expense report and generates the accounting entries. It makes sense that there is no obligation until after such approval has been given. But I wish there were a way to manually force the accounting period and journal entry dates when the accounting entries are created. It would be nice if there were a pop-up dialog box that would allow setting those dates after the "Generate Accounting Entries" button is pushed.