I'm only trying to change the name of a top menu option, so I'm trying to change a menuitem.
For this, I created a new module and I'm doing the following:
For changing menu option name "Sales" (crm):
<record model="ir.ui.menu" id="base.menu_base_partner">
<field name="name">My New Menu Name for Sales</field>
For changing menu option name "Human Resources" (hr):
<record model="ir.ui.menu" id="hr.menu_hr_root">
<field name="name">My New Menu Name for HR</field>
I check on the database and the changes are being made. Those menus have now the names I assigned to them.
However, I can't see them on the browser, although I restarted the OpenERP service. Even I created a new database and installed my module form zero, but still nothing.
Does anyone know why?
please check language translation files....