Some the users are getting the page and some of them are not getting the page after login
error shown in console:
1c117ca:3 File /web/static/lib/es5-shim/es5-shim.min.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:3
1c117ca:6 File /web/static/lib/underscore/underscore.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:6
1c117ca:9 File /web/static/lib/underscore.string/lib/underscore.string.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:9
1c117ca:12 File /web/static/lib/datejs/globalization/en-US.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:12
1c117ca:15 File /web/static/lib/spinjs/spin.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:15
1c117ca:18 File /web/static/lib/jquery/jquery.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:18
1c117ca:21 File /web/static/lib/jquery.blockUI/jquery.blockUI.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:21
1c117ca:24 File /web/static/lib/jquery.hotkeys/jquery.hotkeys.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:24
1c117ca:27 File /web/static/lib/jquery.placeholder/jquery.placeholder.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:27
1c117ca:30 File /web/static/lib/jquery.timeago/jquery.timeago.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:30
1c117ca:33 File /web/static/lib/jquery.form/jquery.form.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:33
1c117ca:36 File /web/static/lib/ defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:36
1c117ca:39 File /web/static/lib/qweb/qweb2.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:39
1c117ca:42 File /web/static/src/js/openerpframework.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:42
1c117ca:45 File /web/static/src/js/tour.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_common' does not exist.(anonymous function) @ 1c117ca:45
1b01219:114 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'regexPatterns' of undefined
web:18 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (NOT FOUND)
why this error came after login?
I found one solution by using ?debug= without using this in URL how I visible the page in odoo
Kindly Help me to resolve.
Please check your log entries and provide information about custom modules or customiations you have made.