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Hi All, I am planing to do order processing and inventory management on odoo which contains ups/fedex label generation and amzon integration. Present i am working on odoo-7. I hope i got the modules for amzonconnection and ups/fedex label generation. I have some reports and some openerp-fucntionality-change modules which i have developed and get from odoo/apps  in odoo-7. I am new to odoo-8. Atleast i have not installed odoo-8. Now i am in the sictuation to decide which is better odoo-7/odoo-8. I have good knowledge on odoo-7 module development, does it enough to develop modules on odoo-8?.Am i get amazon integration and ups/fedex label generation modules in odoo-8?. Please suggest me.. 

Best Answer

odoo 8 is good, your odoo 7 knowledge is enough + you just need to learn some basics of the new API like recordsets and environment. you can easily learn that with the help of developer book. As you got sound knowledge in odoo 7, it will be easier for you to learn some changes in new API. Also the odoo 7 coding style is compatible in odoo 8, provided, you need to add some changes @api.v7, which you will understand from the developer book.


is there any odoo-8 developer book..