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Hello guys,

I would like to learn how to draw all inheritances, groups, relation, etc on a sheet of paper. I have never learned it correctly and I need these technics.

Where is the best tuto?

(sorry for bad words. I hope you will understand)


Best Answer

There are different modeling techniques that you can use to visuelise the relation between entites in the ERP. The best approach (and one I use) is to apply UML modeling technique. Good statring point to learn UML is with the tutorials on and

UML defines multiple diagrams, I suggest you start with the Class diagram. The Class diargram discribes the relationship between the classes in the system, as well as the methods and attributes of the classes.

To draw the diagrams on your computer you will need a UML modeling tool. I use Sparx EA since it allows me to draw UML, BPMN and business processes flow charts. Though it's not expensive as a tool, might be "too much" for a start. I suggest you use some free UML modeling tools.


« modeling » is the word I was searching.