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I've been using the website builder from 8.0 trunk to build an ecommerce site. From time to time I break something when messing around with the HTML editor. When I get a QWeb error message it asks me if I want to reset a few different templates, and if the one that is actually broken is not listed I just do ./opener-server -u module_name and it resets the correct template.

However, I would like to be able to edit the changes directly in the database in cases where there are other modifications  to the template which I do not want to lose. When poking around in pgadmin I cannot seem to find which table stores the changes from the HTML editor.

Specifically, could someone point me to where changes to website_sale.payment template are stored? I have accidentally broken its context by removing the "for id in acquirer" loop so that it cannot render the input field for the payment acquirer.


Best Answer

ir_ui_view is a table you are looking for.

To find id of template in ir_ui_view table by template name you have to check ir_model_data table.

In your case is as follows:

select res_id,model from ir_model_data where name='payment' and module='website_sale';

Then you get id of ir_ui_view record. And there is a template in column "arch"


Thank you!