Odoo docker v13
In Settings --> Technical --> Views --> "web.brand_promotion" View I commented two lines and saved it. It works, because I see that "Powered By Odoo" disappeared.
Below is code from GUI:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<t name="Brand Promotion Message" t-name="web.brand_promotion_message">
<t t-set="odoo_logo">
<a target="_blank" t-attf-href="http://www.odoo.com?utm_source=db&utm_medium=#{_utm_medium}" class="badge badge-light">
<img alt="Odoo" src="/web/static/src/img/odoo_logo_tiny.png" style="height: 1em; vertical-align: baseline;"/>
<!--<t t-set="final_message">Powered by %s%s</t>-->
<!--<t t-raw="final_message % (odoo_logo, _message and ('- %s' % _message) or '')"/>-->
Now I want to find this comment in source code. I found it in "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons/web/views/webclient_templates.xml"
But here nothing has changed...
Moreover I found in Postgres database "ir_ui_view" table where are stored views, but I didn't see any informations about my change.
I restarted odoo and nothing helped.
Where can I find this change?
Remove 'Manage Database' and 'Powered by Odoo' : https://goo.gl/U97uZy