Hello all,
I'm searching the right xpath expr selector to change the content attribute of each of those Facebook open graph tag in the < head> section of my main template.
Someone could help?
<template id="website_lapagept.facebook_open_graph_description_iv" inherit_id="website_lapagept.website_layout_iv" name="Facebook open graph description - IV">
<xpath expr='//head/meta[@property="og:title"]' position="attributes">
<attribute name="content">Intime et vilain</attribute>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<template id="website_lapagept.website_layout_iv" name="Main layout - IV"><!DOCTYPE html>
<html t-att-lang="lang and lang.replace('_', '-')">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta t-attf-property="og:title" t-attf-content="marde de" />
<meta t-attf-property="og:type" t-attf-content="marde de" />
<meta t-attf-property="og:image" t-attf-content="marde de" />
<meta t-attf-property="og:site_name" t-attf-content="marde de" />
<meta t-attf-property="og:description" t-attf-content="marde de christ" />
UPDATE : I tried those expressions with no luck :