In the sale.subscription.alert form, I'm trying to use the fields "Stage goes from" and "to" to apply my alerts only on some stages (for instance only on active subscriptions) because I thought that it was the most natural way to use those fields, but it doesn't work.
Then, I went into the code and the purpose of those fields is actually deeply different than what I thought :
- both fields are compared to the subscription stage through ids with a '=' operator instead of '>=' and '<=',
- the 2 fields are not used in the same way in the code : one is used in the domain_filter and the other one in domain_pre_filter of the base.automation model.
I find this very weired compared to the simplicity of the labels of the fields : "Stage goes from ??? to ???"
Is there any documentation about the purpose of those 2 fields in the subscription alerts ?
Or can anybody give an indication about their purpose ?
Thanks in advance for your help !