I have a problem with connection pool on my odoo11 application. When I try to install a module I get an "connection lost".
In my log I have this:
2017-12-06 09:11:00,827 29475 INFO testodoo.tools.translate: loading /opt/odoo11/myaddons/l10n_ch_zip/i18n/de.po
2017-12-06 09:11:00,870 29475 INFO testodoo.addons.base.ir.ir_translation: module l10n_ch_zip: no translation for language de_C
2017-12-06 09:11:08,337 29477 INFO ? odoo.sql_db: ConnectionPool(used=0/count=0/max=1024): Closed 1 connections to 'dbname=test user=odoo port=5432 sslmode=prefer
2017-12-06 09:13:23,118 29475 INFO test odoo.modules.loading: 197 modules loaded in 143.29s, 0 queries
Is this a problem with the database?
I made my limits in the odoo.config file like this:
limit_time_cpu = 3600
limit_time_real = 3600
workers = 9