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I am doing a migration for a custom module that involves a significant schema change (e.g., merging tables together). I exported the data from the old version module of the module, processed it to match the new schema, and am now trying to figure out how to import it. I am curious if there is a suggested best way to solving this kind of problem. Based off of my current understanding, I have the following options.

  • Import via csv.

    • I actually tried this, but ran into an issue with not being able to import readonly fields. I can get past this by making these fields editable but I like to use the readonly attribute for fields that should only be set programmatically. I suppose I could just make the fields readonly in the view and not on the model, but I would prefer to set this on the model if possible.

  • Import via module data.

    • I assume importing data this way would bypass the readonly field restriction, but I am unsure how it would handle conversions. I have a binary field that when exported as csv is Base64 encoded and am not sure if it would properly decode that data when reading it from an xml file.

  • Import via Odoo migration script.

    • Seems like this option would require installing the old version alongside the new version and mapping data from the old models to the new models, which seems a bit clumsy.

  • Import via sql script.

    • This would certainly bypass all restrictions placed by the framework, but seems a little dangerous. If my assumption is correct, when importing data via any of the above methods the ORM is used to create your database records, which means all validation and/or computed properties will be properly processed. Thus it seems like importing data should probably go through the ORM.

Best Answer

I would use module data.

You can copy the CSV  Base64 encoded string from the image field and use it directly in an XML file, like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<record model="res.partner" id="1">
<field name="name">Odoo</field>
This imports a Contact like this:

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