hello mates, I'm trying to generate a product summary report for odoo pos orders which contains a list of product and sold qty and the cost of sold,
I've added a wizard that displays the start and end date which I search between,
I made a method that loops over all order lines and get all products also merge duplicated ones and get sum of their quantity, and here is all code,
class posreport(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'pos.reports'
_description = 'product_summary'
start_date = fields.Datetime(string="", required=False, )
end_date = fields.Datetime(string="", required=False, )
def product_summary(self):
product_summary_dict = {}
if self.start_date and self.end_date:
order_detail = self.env['pos.order'].search([('date_order', '>=', self.start_date),
('date_order', '<=', self.end_date)])
if order_detail:
for each_order in order_detail:
for each_order_line in each_order.lines:
if each_order_line.product_id.name in product_summary_dict:
product_qty = product_summary_dict[each_order_line.product_id.name]
product_qty += each_order_line.qty
product_qty = each_order_line.qty
product_summary_dict[each_order_line.product_id.name] = product_qty;
tot = each_order_line.product_id.standard_price*product_summary_dict[each_order_line.product_id.name]
everything is going well and I check the console and see the printed records and that data all I need exactly,
now I need to display this data into lines at the wizard form, then print it in pdf Report,
how can I do that, and which type of field that suitable to contains this type of data, to let the end-user see the product summary before printing the report?
any help will be appreciated, Thanks...