In accounting module in the chart of accounts
Please help us to know what is ( Liquidity Transfers account) ?
What is the case in which we use it ?
I hope anyone can tell us an example please
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In accounting module in the chart of accounts
Please help us to know what is ( Liquidity Transfers account) ?
What is the case in which we use it ?
I hope anyone can tell us an example please
Liquidity Transfers account is an Intermediate account used for internal transfer between bank and cash accounts.
for example if you want to transfer 100$ from Bank1 to Cash1 so Odoo first transfer (Create journal entry) 100$ from bank1 account to
Liquidity Transfers account and then another transfer (Create another journal entry) to transfer 100$ from
Liquidity Transfers account to Cash1 account
This answer describes the account correctly. The way to transfer between bank and cash accounts is to use an Internal Transfer. See for how to do this at v14. More background at including how to do this at v13. At v15 we no longer need two steps.
Many thanks Ray for the details.
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